< script lang = "ts" context = "module" >
import { z } from "zod" ;
const languages = [
{ label : "English" , value : "en" },
{ label : "French" , value : "fr" },
{ label : "German" , value : "de" },
{ label : "Spanish" , value : "es" },
{ label : "Portuguese" , value : "pt" },
{ label : "Russian" , value : "ru" },
{ label : "Japanese" , value : "ja" },
{ label : "Korean" , value : "ko" },
{ label : "Chinese" , value : "zh" }
] as const;
type Language = (typeof languages )[ number ][ "value" ];
export const formSchema = z . object ({
language : z . enum (
languages . map (( f ) => f . value ) as [ Language , ... Language []],
errorMap : () => ({ message : "Please select a valid language." })
export type FormSchema = typeof formSchema ;
</ script >
< script lang = "ts" >
import Check from "svelte-radix/Check.svelte" ;
import CaretSort from "svelte-radix/CaretSort.svelte" ;
import SuperDebug , {
type Infer ,
type SuperValidated ,
} from "sveltekit-superforms" ;
import { tick } from "svelte" ;
import { zodClient } from "sveltekit-superforms/adapters" ;
import { toast } from "svelte-sonner" ;
import { browser } from "$app/environment" ;
import { page } from "$app/stores" ;
import * as Form from "$lib/components/ui/form/index.js" ;
import * as Popover from "$lib/components/ui/popover/index.js" ;
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js" ;
import { cn } from "$lib/utils.js" ;
import { buttonVariants } from "$lib/components/ui/button/index.js" ;
let data : SuperValidated < Infer < FormSchema >> = $ page . data . combobox ;
export { data as form };
const form = superForm ( data , {
validators : zodClient ( formSchema ),
onUpdated : ({ form : f }) => {
if ( f . valid ) {
toast . success ( `You submitted ${ JSON . stringify ( f . data , null, 2) }` );
} else {
toast . error ( "Please fix the errors in the form." );
const { form : formData , enhance } = form ;
let open = false;
// We want to refocus the trigger button when the user selects
// an item from the list so users can continue navigating the
// rest of the form with the keyboard.
function closeAndFocusTrigger ( triggerId : string ) {
open = false;
tick (). then (() => {
document . getElementById ( triggerId )?. focus ();
</ script >
< form method = "POST" action = "/?/combobox" class = "space-y-6" use: enhance >
< Form.Field {form} name = "language" class = "flex flex-col" >
< Popover.Root bind: open let: ids >
< Form.Control let: attrs >
< Form.Label > Language </ Form.Label >
< Popover.Trigger
class ={ cn (
buttonVariants ({ variant : "outline" }),
"w-[200px] justify-between" ,
!$ formData . language && "text-muted-foreground"
role = "combobox"
{ ... attrs}
{ languages . find (( f ) => f . value === $ formData . language )?. label ??
"Select language" }
< CaretSort class = "ml-2 h-4 w-4 shrink-0 opacity-50" />
</ Popover.Trigger >
< input hidden value ={$ formData . language } name ={ attrs . name } />
</ Form.Control >
< Popover.Content class = "w-[200px] p-0" >
< Command.Root >
< Command.Input
placeholder = "Search language..."
class = "h-9"
< Command.Empty > No language found. </ Command.Empty >
< Command.Group >
{#each languages as language }
< Command.Item
value ={ language . value }
onSelect ={() => {
$ formData . language = language . value ;
closeAndFocusTrigger ( ids . trigger );
{ language . label }
< Check
class ={ cn (
"ml-auto h-4 w-4" ,
language . value !== $ formData . language && "text-transparent"
</ Command.Item >
</ Command.Group >
</ Command.Root >
</ Popover.Content >
</ Popover.Root >
< Form.Description >
This is the language that will be used in the dashboard.
</ Form.Description >
< Form.FieldErrors />
</ Form.Field >
< Form.Button > Submit </ Form.Button >
{#if browser }
< SuperDebug data ={$ formData } />
</ form >
Copy < script lang = "ts" context = "module" >
import { z } from "zod" ;
const languages = [
{ label : "English" , value : "en" },
{ label : "French" , value : "fr" },
{ label : "German" , value : "de" },
{ label : "Spanish" , value : "es" },
{ label : "Portuguese" , value : "pt" },
{ label : "Russian" , value : "ru" },
{ label : "Japanese" , value : "ja" },
{ label : "Korean" , value : "ko" },
{ label : "Chinese" , value : "zh" }
] as const;
type Language = (typeof languages )[ number ][ "value" ];
export const formSchema = z . object ({
language : z . enum (
languages . map (( f ) => f . value ) as [ Language , ... Language []],
errorMap : () => ({ message : "Please select a valid language." })
export type FormSchema = typeof formSchema ;
</ script >
< script lang = "ts" >
import SuperDebug , {
type Infer ,
type SuperValidated ,
} from "sveltekit-superforms" ;
import { tick } from "svelte" ;
import Check from "lucide-svelte/icons/check" ;
import ChevronsUpDown from "lucide-svelte/icons/chevrons-up-down" ;
import { zodClient } from "sveltekit-superforms/adapters" ;
import { toast } from "svelte-sonner" ;
import { browser } from "$app/environment" ;
import { page } from "$app/stores" ;
import * as Form from "$lib/components/ui/form/index.js" ;
import * as Popover from "$lib/components/ui/popover/index.js" ;
import * as Command from "$lib/components/ui/command/index.js" ;
import { cn } from "$lib/utils.js" ;
import { buttonVariants } from "$lib/components/ui/button/index.js" ;
let data : SuperValidated < Infer < FormSchema >> = $ page . data . combobox ;
export { data as form };
const form = superForm ( data , {
validators : zodClient ( formSchema ),
onUpdated : ({ form : f }) => {
if ( f . valid ) {
toast . success ( `You submitted ${ JSON . stringify ( f . data , null, 2) }` );
} else {
toast . error ( "Please fix the errors in the form." );
const { form : formData , enhance } = form ;
let open = false;
// We want to refocus the trigger button when the user selects
// an item from the list so users can continue navigating the
// rest of the form with the keyboard.
function closeAndFocusTrigger ( triggerId : string ) {
open = false;
tick (). then (() => {
document . getElementById ( triggerId )?. focus ();
</ script >
< form method = "POST" action = "/?/combobox" class = "space-y-6" use: enhance >
< Form.Field {form} name = "language" class = "flex flex-col" >
< Popover.Root bind: open let: ids >
< Form.Control let: attrs >
< Form.Label > Language </ Form.Label >
< Popover.Trigger
class ={ cn (
buttonVariants ({ variant : "outline" }),
"w-[200px] justify-between" ,
!$ formData . language && "text-muted-foreground"
role = "combobox"
{ ... attrs}
{ languages . find (( f ) => f . value === $ formData . language )?. label ??
"Select language" }
< ChevronsUpDown class = "ml-2 h-4 w-4 shrink-0 opacity-50" />
</ Popover.Trigger >
< input hidden value ={$ formData . language } name ={ attrs . name } />
</ Form.Control >
< Popover.Content class = "w-[200px] p-0" >
< Command.Root >
< Command.Input
placeholder = "Search language..."
class = "h-9"
< Command.Empty > No language found. </ Command.Empty >
< Command.Group >
{#each languages as language }
< Command.Item
value ={ language . value }
onSelect ={() => {
$ formData . language = language . value ;
closeAndFocusTrigger ( ids . trigger );
{ language . label }
< Check
class ={ cn (
"ml-auto h-4 w-4" ,
language . value !== $ formData . language && "text-transparent"
</ Command.Item >
</ Command.Group >
</ Command.Root >
</ Popover.Content >
</ Popover.Root >
< Form.Description >
This is the language that will be used in the dashboard.
</ Form.Description >
< Form.FieldErrors />
</ Form.Field >
< Form.Button > Submit </ Form.Button >
{#if browser }
< SuperDebug data ={$ formData } />
</ form >